Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Faire Celebration and Fundraiser

The MSA Community Council is sponsoring a Waldorf May Faire on Saturday, May 31, 2014 at the Draper City Park (1300 East and Pioneer Road) from 10 AM - 2 PM.

There will be food, flowers, and crafts for sale.

There will be live music, maypole dancing, puppet shows and story telling.

There will be games and crafts for the children.

There will be good company and fun times.

And, all the proceeds will go towards the Mountain Sunrise Academy Charter Intitiative -- basically, hoping to raise money to cover the costs of formation so we can begin to  REALLY raise money (with the proper tax status) towards facility and training costs for a Waldorf Charter School.

Mark your calendars so you do not miss this historic and wonderful event.

Coming Soon... A Waldorf School Near You

The conception of Mountain Sunrise Academy has been an exhilarating and miraculous process to observe.  From an idea, to the formation of a working group, to a formal board, each step has involved the work and gifts of many talented individuals.

With changes in the State of Utah's Charter School Board's approval process, we have had the opportunity to do more fine-tuning.  A proposal has been drafted and is being finalized for the July 1, 2014 submission.  After a decision is made on the proposal, the full charter will like-wise be edited and prepared for submission to the state.

This is a process that has unfolded very quickly, but that requires slow a steady work over the next 2.5 years.  But, I am fully confident that in 2016 the first Waldorf charter school in Utah will open its doors to provide a unique and needed educational alternative to families in the Salt Lake Valley.

Today, I am just pausing to send my gratitude to all of those who are part of this process, who have caught the vision so early on and are committed to "Going slow" over the next couple of years so that we can "Go Fast" in 2016.

With Sincere Thanks,

-- Emily